Punção Aspírativa por Agulha Fina da Tireóide — Experiência de 5 anos
Nódulos Tireoidianos, Punção AspírativaResumo
Os autores mostram sua experiência com a PAAF em 349 casos de nódulos tiroidianos, durante 5 anos, e sua relação cito-histológica nos 32 casos levados à cirurgia.
Abu-Nema, T.; Ayyash, K.; Tibilin, S. Role of aspiration biopsy cytology in the diagnosis of cold solitary thyroid nodules. Br J Surg 74 (3): 203, 1987 Mar. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/bjs.1800740317
Anderson, JB; Webb, AJ. Fine needle aspiration biopsy and the diagnosis of thyroid cancer. Br J Surg 74 (4): 292-6, 1987 Abr. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/bjs.1800740422
Block, MA. Diagnosis and management of carcinoma of lhe thyroid. Compr Ther 13 (6): 58-56, 1987 Jun.
Cohen, JP; Cho, HT. The role of needie aspiration biopsy in selection of patients for thyroidectomy. Laryngoscope 98(1): 35-9, 1988 Jan. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1288/00005537-198801000-00009
Koss.LG. Aspiration biopsy —a tool insurgical pathology.Am J Surg Pathol 12Suppl 1:43-53, 1988.
Liei, Y; Zirkin, HJ; Sobel, RJ. Fine needie aspiration of the hot thyroid nodule. Acta Cytol 32(6):866-7. 1988 Nov.
Ravinsk, E; Safneck, JR. Differentiation of Hashimoto's thyroiditis from thyroid neoplasms in fine needie aspiration. Acta Cytol 32 (6):854-61,1988 Nov.
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