Laryngectomized in postoperative period: the nursing care
Laryngectomy, Patientsnursing, Diagnosis, Nursing Care, Postoperative CareAbstract
This study aimed at identify the nursing diagnoses of completly laringectomized patients in the late postoperative period and to outline a nursing approach in relation to these diagnoses. Ten laryngectomized patient were inclued in the study, the postoperative period; after the radioterapy treatment was between 3 and 18 months. Data were collected by means of a interviews and physical examinations. Sometimes these were made with the presence of the patient's relatives with the purpose of gathering more information about him/her. Sixteen nursing diagnosis were identified according to NANDA taxonomy. For each diagnosis, interventions based on Carpenitos´ suggestion as well as on the authors' experience were used. This study showed that the nursing diagnosis can be the starting point for the nursing procedures either during the in-and-out patient's follow- ups. The nursing assistance his/her biological features, but also to the social and familial enviroment. This patient has returned home with abrupt alterations on his/her lifestyle, and consequently, most of the time chaging the familial enviroment.