Esophageal adenocarcinoma metastatic to lymphonode compromesed by non-hodgkin lymphoma
Esophageal Neoplasms, Adenocarcinoma, Lymphoma, Non-Hodgkin, Lymphoid NeoplasmsAbstract
We report a case of adenocarcinoma at the inferior thirth segment of the esophagus, which produced metastases to a non-Hodgkin lymphoma in the peri renal lymphonodes. The patient was a 66 year-old man, white and had a smoking history of 40years. He had a history of Progressive dysphasiafrom solids to liquids over 5 months and significant weight loss. The upper endoscopy established a diagnosis of mucinoid adenocarcinoma. The lymphoma was a casual finding from the esophageal neoplasm staging investigation. It was done by percutaneus of the punction biopsy of the tumor, guided by computarized tomography. Metastasis of esophageal adenocarcinoma in a non-Hodgkin lymphoma is a rare case, being difficult to establish a relationship between these two neoplasms.
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