Denial and stigma in patients diagnosed with breast cancer
Breast Cancer, Denial, Psycho OncologyAbstract
This paper stems from the affirmation of a concomitant existence of a biological and a psychological body. Based on this concept, the dynamics generated by the breast cancer diagnosis and by mastectomy are analyzed inaneffort psico-oncology to understand how this illness and its treatment affect the women’s body image, considering that the breast has a special place in the universe of women’s representations. The mechanisms that the patients use as attempts to deal with their anxieties as well as the changes that they cause in women’s lives and repercussions of the treatment are also focused in this paper. Furthermore, the different kinds of reactions that the patient and her family have to the breast cancer confirmation are analyzed. The patients beloved ones are also affected and have, therefore, an important role in building the different illness representations.
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