Cancer biopsychosocial and psychoneuroimmunologic effects on patients and their families


  • Terezinha Fátima Hassan Deitas Universidade Federal de santa Maria (UFSM). Santa Maria (RS), Brasil
  • João Francisco Pollo Gaspary Universidade Federal de santa Maria (UFSM). Santa Maria (RS), Brasil



Cancer, Psychoneuroimmunology, Stress, Quality of Life


During the last tvvo decades, it has been stressed the somatic, psvchic and social problems of cancer patients, as weli as biopsvchosociai and psvchoneuroimmunoiogic theories have been emphasized on oncologic research. This paper presents clinical considerations about psychoneuroinnnunoiogic biopsychosocialjactors ia Oncology, and points cancer impact on patients and their relatives. Cancer and its treatments create a stress which is imposed upon patients and their relatives, with the power of onsetting adjustment disorders in all of them. An assessement of the quality of life must be incorporated in clinical studies, because it may improve therapeutic approaches. Patients' reports 0n somatic svmptoms are mainly associated with their emocional and social concerning rather than with their general health status. The staff responsible for the patients must understand the family/patient dynamics and be aware of the influence of psychosocial issues. Falure in recognizing that, and consequently imnpairing the family’s psychosocial support will deprive the patients of comfort, love, support, and friendship that they will need through the course of the disease. Physicians must be able to facilitate the adaptation process of their patients. Psvchologic treatment is always beneficial, at least to some extent.


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How to Cite

Deitas TFH, Gaspary JFP. Cancer biopsychosocial and psychoneuroimmunologic effects on patients and their families. Rev. Bras. Cancerol. [Internet]. 2022 Sep. 27 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];43(2):117-25. Available from:

