Atualidades brasileiras: indicação da acupuntura em pacientes com câncer avançado
Acupuncture Analgesia, Acupuncture Therapy, Neoplasms/therapy, Breast NeoplasmsAbstract
It is reported the experience of the author with acupuncture in advanced cancerpatients. In addition to analgesia (a well known, dissemina ted, and stablished phenomen related to acupunture), results were observed on lymphedema, 5km involvement, peritoneal carcinomatosis, respira tory distress, muscular movements, adenomegaly, hepatomegaly, and oral functions. lt was also noticed an inprovement of depression and performance status levels. Two parameters are followed to include a patient in acupunture program: pain syndrome presence and a survival over 3 months. Regarding future, it will be necessary to determina te the acupuncture role in management of other patient problems, including those presented in free-disease patients, as it is postmastectomy lymphedema.