Contribuição da Ultra-Sonografia Abdominal ao Estadiamento da Neoplasia Pulmonar
Abdominal Ultrasonography, Lung Neoplasm Staging, Lung Neoplasm MetastasesAbstract
The overall efficacy of abdominal ultrasonography was evaluated by the prospective study of an heterogeneous group of 60 patients with lung cancer. The sole criterion for inclusion of the patient in this protocol was the Identification of primary lung cancer. The ultrasonographic study using dynamic sectorial equipment, was successfully performed in 44 patients (73.3%), in which all structures could be identified and documented. in 22 cases (37%) infradiaphragmatic metastatic lesions were observed (liver, adrenais and retroperitoneal lymph nodes). No percutaneous biopsies were performed in this inicial phase of study. The ability to assess infradiaphragmatic spread of neoplasia supports the conclusion that this method is a valuable tool to the screening and follow-up of these patients.
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