Associação Radioterapia e Quimioterapia


  • M. O. Roxo Nobre Diretor. Departamento de Radioterapia. Instituto Central do Hospital A. C. Camargo. São Paulo (SP), Brasil
  • Renato R. A Cintra Chefe. Serviço de Radioterapia. Instituto Central do Hospital A. C. Camargo; Hospital do Servidor Público Estadual do Estado de São Paulo. São Paulo (SP), Brasil



Radiotherapy, Drug Therapy, Infusions, Intra-Arterial, Bone Neoplasms/therapy, Head and Neck Neoplasms/therapy, Uterine Cervical Neoplasms/therapy


The authors present clinical experiments which are being done by the radiotherapy and chemotherapy association, through arterial infusion in tumours of head and neck and tumours of the bones. In gynecology similar association is perfomed by means of the introduction of chemotherapeutic agentes into the uterine cavity during the treatment with radium in advanced cases of the cancer of the cervix. This material, whose observation has been developed for 2 years, does not yet allow statistic conclusions although it justifies the pursuit the method for its preliminary results. Its is advised against indiscriminate indication of the preliminary treatment of chemotherapy in the most diverse forms of malignant tumours, which is being done, chiefly by indications of physicians who have little experience in oncological matter. In cases in which the conventional treatment by surgery or radiotherapy offer satisfactory results, the previous chemotherapy may yield therapeutical inconveniences. Chemotherapy in association with irradiation or surgery should be used by prescription and assistance of a medical team.


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How to Cite

Nobre MOR, Cintra RRA. Associação Radioterapia e Quimioterapia. Rev. Bras. Cancerol. [Internet]. 2023 Aug. 21 [cited 2024 Jun. 30];23(33):5-13. Available from:

