Types of the Manuscripts

The following types of manuscripts will be reviewed for publication:

Articles presenting partial or final results of clinical trials should inform their number and entity of register.

The structure of the article should include introduction, method, results, discussion, conclusion and references.

Original articles should not exceed six thousand words from the body of the manuscript to the references.

The article should not exceed five figures, tables and charts in all, each one in its own page.

Make sure to inform the approval by the Institutional Review Board at the end of the topic Method.

The structure of the article should include introduction, method, results, discussion, conclusion and references.

Articles of literature review should not exceed eight thousand words, including the manuscript and references.

The article should not exceed five figures, tables and charts in all, each one in its own page.

  • Opinion Article – Authors’ expert opinion on a specific theme of cancer control. The articles may be published at the editor’s request or otherwise. No abstracts are required. Should contain introduction, development (with subsections, if applicable), conclusion and references. At submission, make sure to add an abstract in the system since it is not required for this category.

It should not exceed 2 thousand and 300 hundred words (except if the author was invited to submit the opinion) including the manuscript’s body and references.

Figures, tables and charts should not exceed three, each one in its own page.

  • Case Report – detailed description and critical analysis of one or more atypical cases, with broad and current bibliographic review.

It should include: Introduction, case report (results), Discussion, Conclusion and References.

Should not exceed 2 thousand words, including the manuscript’s body and references.

The abstracts of Case Reports follow the structure: introduction, case report (results) and conclusion.

Figures, tables and charts should not exceed three, each one in its own page.

Make sure to inform the approval by the Institutional Review Board at the end of the Introduction.

  • Brief Communication – description of preliminary results of empirical studies presented briefly or analysis of current themes of immediate interest and relevant for cancer control.

When applicable it should include: Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion, Conclusion and References.

It should not exceed 2 thousand words (including the manuscript’s body and references.

Figures, tables and charts should not exceed three, each one in its own page.

  • Letter to the Editor – reviews or short comments about cancer control related themes, preferentially associated with articles published in the Journal. In case of reviews of former articles already published, the letter is sent to the authors and their responses will be published simultaneously. It should not exceed 1,200 words, including References.
  • Review – critical reviews of books related to cancer control published in the last two years. It should not exceed 1,200 words including References.
  • Current Themes – the Journal’s Editorial Team decided to create this section in 2020 because of the COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019 – COVID-19) pandemic, and urgency in disclosing and publishing texts and articles about this theme. The categories of manuscripts published are: Technical Notes, Guidelines, Recommendations, Reflections, Short Reports, Opinions, Literature Reviews, Letters to the Editor etc. relevant for health in general and professionals.

Fast-track submission of COVID-19 articles is closed.