Tratamento do Carcinoma do Colo do Útero: Ensaio Crítico dos Métodos Usados nos Últimos 10 Anos


  • Carl Fried Instituto do Radium São Francisco de Assis. São Paulo (SP), Brasil.



Neoplasias do Colo do Útero/terapia, Neoplasias do Colo do Útero/diagnóstico, Terapia por Raios X, Dosagem Radioterapêutica


O artigo trata da ação da Roentgenterapia e dos demais métodos de tratamento do carcinoma do colo do útero. Faz um ensaio crítico dos métodos usados nos últimos 10 anos. Conclusão do artigo publicado no v. 4 n. 7 (1951): jan./jun. da RBC.


Não há dados estatísticos.


Cade St. — Malignant Disease and its treatment by radium. — Wright and Sons, Bristol, 1940.

CUTLER, M. and Buschke, P. — Câncer its diagnosis and treatment. — W. B. Sauders Company, Philadelfia, 1939.

Delario, a. J. — Roentgen and Radium Therapy — F. A. Davis Company, Philadelfia, 1938.

Hurdon, Elisabeth — Câncer of the Uterus — Oxford University Pres: 1942.

Lacassagne, a. Baclesse, F. et Raverdy, J. — Radiotherapie des cancers du col de l’uterus. — Masson et Cie. Paris, 1941.

Meredith, W. J. — Radium Dosage The Manchester System F. and S. Livingstone. Edinburgh 1947.

Pack, Gg. T. and Livingston E. M. — Treatment of câncer and allied diseases. — P. B. Hoeber Inc. New York 1940, vol. II. — Kaplan I. I. — Radiation Therapy of cancer of the cervix, p. 1587. — Lynch, F. W. — The radical abdominal operation for carcinoma of the cervix. p. 1606. — Editorial note: Vaginal hysterectomy of the uterine cervix (Schauta — Adler technique) p. 1631.

Adler, L. — Treatment of cervical cancer. — Act. Rad. v. 28, p. 474, 1947. DOI:

Aldrige, H. — Intestinal injuries resulting from irradiation treatment of uterine carcinoma. — Am. J. Obst. and Gyn. V. 44, p. 833, 1942. DOI:

Andrews, J. R. — Interstitial irradiation in câncer of the uterine cervix. — Am. J. Roe and Ra. Ther. v. 46, p. 700, 1941.

Arneson, a. N. and Hauptmann H. — Radium meedles in treatment of cancer of cervix and vagina. — South Med. J. V. 33, p. 286, 1940. DOI:

Arneson, A. N. and Quimby E. H. — Distribution of Roentgenradiation with in the average female pélvis for different physical factore of irradiation. — Radiol. v. 25, p. 182, 1935. DOI:

Ayres Neto, P. Francia Martins, A., Bueno Nestarez, o. e Bruno, A. A. — Terapêutica do câncer do colo uterino. — O Hospital, v. 20, p. 551, 1941.

Ayres Neto, P. Francia Martins e Bueno Nestarez, O. — Alguns aspectos da terapêutica e da luta contra o câncer do colo uterino. — Rev. Med. e Cir. São Paulo, v. 4, n.° 7 e 8, 1944.

Behney, Ch. A. and Howson, J. Y. — Carcinoma of the cervix, and results. —Am. J. Obst. and Gyn. V. 47, p. 506, 1944. DOI:

Bouslog, J. S. — Intravaginal radiation therapy. — Am. J. Roe. and Ra. V. 57, p. 665, 1947.

Bowing, H. H. — Carcinoma of the uterine cervix. Factores influencing prognosis. Minnesota Med. 23, p. 85, 1940.

Bowing, H. H. and Fricke, R. E. —Câncer of the uterus. Results of the present method of radiumtherapy as influenced by stage and grade of the lesion. — Am. J. Roe. and Rad. Ther. v. 49, p. 487, 1943.

Buschke, F. and Cantril, S. T. — Irradiation failures in early cervical câncer. Improved irradiation or return to surgery? — Am. J. Roe. and Ra. Th. 54, p. 60, 1945.

Campbell, L. A. — Carcinoma of the cervix. An applicator for greater parametrial dosage. — Am. J. Roe. and Ra. v. 57, p. 697, 1947.

Cantrill, S. T., Buschke, F. and Parker, H. M. — Irradiation in câncer of the cervix uteri. — Radiol. v. 36, p. 534, 1941. DOI:

COSBIE, G. W. — Am. H. Obst. Gyn. v. 42, p. 1003, 1941. DOI:

Covington, E. E. — Câncer of the cervix. New technique for interstitial implantation of radium into the parametrium. — Surg. Gyn. and Obst. v. 82, p. 512, 1946. DOI:

Den Hoed, d. — Methods to reduce the dangers of radiotherapy in câncer of the uterus. — Acta. Rad. v. 28, p. 497, 1947. DOI:

Edwards, H. G. F. — Carcinoma of the cervix uteri. A study of 727 cases. — Am. J. Roe. and Ra. v.45, p. 804, 1941.

Elkins, H. B. — Preliminary report on transvaginal X-ray treatment of carcinoma of the cervix. — J. Iowa Med. Ass. v. 37, p. 196, 1947, ref. Yearb, 1947, p. 370.

Erskine, A. W. — Expanding speculum for transvaginal roentgentherapy. — Am. J. Roe. and Rad. v. 42, p. 423, 1939.

Erskine, a. W. — Evolution of na improved transvaginal speculum. Rad. V. 43, p. 10, 1944. DOI:

Forsell, G. James Heyman, on his 65th anniversary. — Acta. Rad. v. 28, p. 418, 1947. DOI:

Fried, C. — Erweiterung der Radiumtherapie des Cervixcarcinoms durch interstitielle Plazierung von Radium Cin. Rad. Bâsle, v. XVII, p. 333, 1948.

Garcia, M. Tissu dosage in the control of carcinoma of the cervix. Radio. 40, p. 463, 1943. DOI:

Gluecksmann, A. and. Spear, F. G. — Quaitative and quantitativo histologic examination of biopsy material. — Brit. J. Rad. V. 18, p. 313, 1945. DOI:

Healy, W. P. and Twombly, G. H. — Câncer of the cervix. The effect on the rate of cure of increased radiation to the parametria. — Am. J. Roe. and Ra. Ther. v. 49, p. 519, 1943.

Heymann, J. — The so called Stockholm method and the results of treatment of uterine câncer at the Radiumhemmet. — Acta. Rad. v. 16, p. 129, 1935. DOI:

Heymann, J. — On the possibility of improving bâ means of hysterectomy the results of radiotherapy in cancer colli uteri. — Acta. Obst. Et gyn. Scand. v. 23, p. 177, 1943. DOI:

Heymann, J. — On improving the results of treatment in câncer of the collum of the uterus. — Act. Rad. V. 25 p. 551, 1944. DOI:

Holmes, G. W. and Schultz, M. D. — Supervoltage radiation. A review of the cases treated during an eight year period (1937-1944 inclusive). — Am. J. Roe. and Rad. v. 55, p. 533, 1946.

Hurdon, E. — Radium treatment of cancer of the uterus. With reference to the physical measurements of the radiations in accordance with the investigations of W. V. Mayneord and J. Honeyburne. — Am. J. of Roe. and Rad. v. 45, p. 250, 1941.

JACOBY, P. — The experiences with radiotherapy in cancer of the cérvix and of the corpus of the uterus at the radiumcenter in Odense. — Act. Rad. V. 28, p. 505, 1947. DOI:

JONES, H. W. and Seeger-Jones, G. E. — Panhysterectomy versus irradiation of the early câncer of the uterine cervix. J.A.M.A. v. 122, p. 930, 1943. DOI:

Kahanpaeae, V. un Kankkunen, J. O. — Ueber die Behandlungeergebnisse der Kollumkarzinome im Strahlenbehandlungsinstitut zu Helsinki aus den Jahren 1937-42. — Act. rad. V. 28, p. 519, 1947. DOI:

Kerr, H. D. — Irradiation treatment of carcinoma of cervix. Wisc. M. J.; V. 41, p. 34, 1942.

Krebs, C. — The importance of suplplemental X ray treatment in the cure of câncer of the cervix. Ugeskrift for Laeger. 108/42, p. 1162, 1946. Resumo inglês. Exc. Med. Sect. XIV. V. 2, p. 49, 1948.

Laborde, S. — Treatment of first degree câncer of the uterine cervix. — Med. Womens J. v. 54, p. 19, 1947. Ref. Yearbook 1947, p. 368.

Lampe, I. — Radium treatment of carcinoma of the cervix uteri. — Am. J. Roe. and Ra. v. 58, p. 651, 1947.

Lederman, M. and Lamerton L. F. — Dosage estmation and distribution in the radium treatment of carcinoma of the cervix uteri. — Brit. J. Rad. v. 21, p. 11, 1948. DOI:

Liljenkrantz, E. and Newell, R. R. — Technic of irradiation of câncer of the utrine cervix, combining radium and supervoltage roentgen rays. — Radiol. v. 36, p. 543, 1941. DOI:

Machado, L. M. Sarmento E. e Sigaud Machado Coelho, G. — Em torno de 500 casos de câncer do colo do útero. — Supl. Rev. Gin. e Obst. v. 1, n.° 4, 1947.

Maliphant, R. G. — Complication of radiumtherapy in câncer of the uterine cervix. — J. Obst. Gyn. Brit. Emp. V. 46, p. 873, 1939. DOI:

Martin, Ch. L. — The elimination of irradiation injusries in the treatment of câncer of the cervix. — Am. J. Roe. and Ra. v. 49, p. 495, 1943.

Martindale, L. — A clinical review of 262 cases of câncer of the uterus. — Act. Rad. V. 28, p. 531, 1947. DOI:

Mayneord, W. V. and Honeyburne, J. — A physical study of intracavitary radiumtherapy. — Am. J. Roe. and Ra. V. 45, p. 235, 1941.

Meigs, J. V. — Carcinoma of cérvix — Wertheim operation. —Surg. Gyn. Obst. V. 78, p. 195, 1944.

Meigs, J. V. — Am. J. Obst. Gyn. V. 49, p. 542, 1945. DOI:

Meigs, J. V. — The radical operation for câncer of the cervix. — Am. J. Roe. and Ra. v. 57, p. 679, 1947.

Meigs, J. V. and Jaffe, H. L. — Carcinoma of the cervix treated by roentgen rays and radium. — Surg. Gyn. Obst. v. 69, p. 257, 1939.

Merritt, A. — Roentgentherapy of câncer in the buccal cavity and of the cervix. — Am. J. Roe. and Ra. v. 42, p. 418, 1939.

Miller, N. F. Consideration of certain factors pertaining to the control of carcinoma of the cervix. — Am. J. Obst. Gyn. v. 46, p. 625, 1943. DOI:

Moraes, A. de — A histerectomia vaginal na ou pós-menopausa fora dos estados malignos. — An. Bras. Gin. v. 16, 1943.

Morton, d. G. — The surgical treatment of cervical cancer. Wertheim operation: pelvic lymphadenoctomy. Am. J. Roe. and Ra. v. 57, p. 685, 1947.

Murphy, J. T. and Hufford, C. E. — Carcinoma of uterine cervix treated with 400 KV Roentgen rays and radium. — Am. J. Roe. and Ra. v. 45, p. 801, 1941.

Neary, G. J. — The physical aspects of intracavitary treatment of carcinoma of the cervix. — Brit. J. Rad. V. 16, p. 225 and 263, 1943. DOI:

Newcomer, E. —Comments on the treatment and sequelae of carcinoma of the uterus. — Am. J. Roe and Ra. V. 45, p. 651, 1941.

Novak, e. — Câncer of the uterus. — Y.A.M.A. V. 135, p. 199, 1947. DOI:

O’Brien, F. W. — Radiation of carcinoma of the cervix. — Radiolol. v. 35, p. 23, 1940. DOI:

O’Brien, F. W. — The radiation treatment of câncer of the cervix. — Am. J. Roe. and Ra. v. 57, p. 281, 1941.

Paterson, R. and Parker, H. M. — A dosage system for interstitial radiumtherapy. — Brit. J. Rad. V. 11, p. 252, 313, 1938. DOI:

PITTs, H. C. and Waterman, G. B. — The treatment of cancer of the cervix uteri at the Rhode Island Hospital. — Surg. Gynec. Obst. v. 64, p. 30, 1931.

Sandler, B. — A preiiminary note on the planning of combined radiotherapy of carcinoma of the cérvix uteri. — Brit. J. Rad. v. 16, p. 331, 1943. DOI:

Scheffey, L. C. — Experiences in the treatment of carcinoma of the cervix uteri. — Rad. v. 40, p. 436, 1943. DOI:

SCKEFFEY, L. C. Thudium, W. J. and Farell, M. — Endresults in the treatment of carcinoma of the cervix. 15 years report 1921-36. — Am. J. Obst. Gyn. v. 43, p. 941, 1942. DOI:

SCHMITZ, HL EL — Further study of supervoltage X ray therapy in carcinomas of the cervix. — Radiol. v. 40, p. 458, 1943. DOI:

SCHMITZ, H. SCHMITZ H. E. and Shehan, J. F. — Clinical observations on treatment of primary carcinomata of cervix with 800KV roentgen-rays. — Am. J. Obst. Gyn. V. 35, p. 405, 1938. DOI:

SCHMITZ, H. E. and SHEHAN, J. F. — Five year endresults in cervical carcinoma treated with radium and 800 KV roentgen-rays. — Am. J. Roe. and Ra. v. 45, p. 229, 1941.

Smith, G. V. and femberton, F. A. — Carcinoma of the uterine cérvix results of treatment through 1933- showing value of supplementary X-radiation. — N. Engl. J. M. n° 222, p. 481, 1940 (cit. cf. Healy and Twombly). DOI:

Souza Pereira, A. de — A basis for sympathectomy for canser of the cervix. — Arch. Surg. v. 52, p. 260, 1946. DOI:

Stone, R. S. and Robinson, J. M. — Roentgen irradiation of the pélvis in carcinoma of the cervix uteri. — Radiol. V. 36, p. 521, 1941. DOI:

Strachan, G. I. — Some complicating factors in the radium treatment of carcinoma of the cervix uteri. — Act. Rad. V. 28, p. 545, 1947. DOI:

SwANBERG, H. — Summary of results in the radiation treatment of uterine cervical câncer. — Act. Rad. v. 28, 554, 1947. DOI:

Taussig, F. J. — Effect of irradiation on normal and metastatic lymphenodes. — Am. J. Roe. and Ra. v. 43, p. 539, 1940.

Taussig, F. J. — Results in treatment of lymphanode metastasis in câncer of the cervix and the vulva. — Am. J. Roe and Ra. v. 45, p. 813, 1941.

Taussig, F. J. — Iliac lymphadenectomy for group II câncer of cervix; technique and 5 year results in 175 cases. — Am. J. Obst. Gyn. v. 45, p. 733, 1943. DOI:

Tayloe, A. G. C. — Supplementary X ray treatment for carcinoma of the cervix uteri in relation to the direction of the spread of the disease. — Brit. J. Rad. v. 13, p. 293, 1940. DOI:

Taylor Jr. H. C. and Twombly, G. H. — Câncer of the cervix. A study of the effect of interstitial radon needles as compared with roentgentherapy given through intravaginal cones. — Am. J. Foe. and Ra. v. 14, p. 23, 1941.

Tehan, R. W. Wammock, H. and Weatherwax, J. — Treatment of carcinoma of cervix with interstitial radiation. — J.A.M.A. v. 120, p. 423, 1942. DOI:

Tod, M. C. — Optimum dosage in treatment of carcinoma of the uterine cervix by radiation. —Brit. J. Rad. V. 14, p. 23, 1941.

Tod, M. C. — Recent views on treatment of carcinoma of the uterine cervix by radiation. — Brit. J. Rad. V. 14, p. 23, 1941. DOI:

Tod, M. C. — Optimum dosage in the treatment of câncer of the cervix by radiation. — Act. Rad. V. 28, p. 564, 1947. DOI:

Tod, M. C. and Meredith, W. J. — A dosage system for use in the treatment of câncer of the uterine cervix. — Brit. J. Rad. v. 11, p. 132, 1938. DOI:

Todd, I. F. — The present position of treatment in carcinoma of cervix uteri. — Brit. J. Rad. v. 9, p. 196, 1936. DOI:

Traut, H. F. — Uses and abuses of radiation therapy in obstetrice and gynecology. — Am. J. Obst. Gyn. V. 44, p. 638, 1942. DOI:

Waeter, Y. Z. — Principies of radiation treatment of carcinoma cervicis uteri. — Edinb. M. J. v. 26, p. 153, 1939.

Walter, Y. Z. — A new technique of treatment of carcinoma of the cervix uteri by combining X-ray and radium. — Brit. J. Rad. v. 13, p. 1, 1940. DOI:

Ward, C. G. and Sackett, N. B. — Results of radiation therapy for carcinoma of the cervix. —J.A.M.A. V. 110, p. 323, 1938. DOI:

Wasson, W. W. — Intravaginal radium irradiation of câncer of the cervix. — Radiol. V. 40, p. 454, 1943. DOI:

Waterman, G. B. and D| Leone, R. — Treatment of carcinoma of cervix by interstitial radium needles at Rhode Island Hospital. — Am. J. Obst. Gynec. v. 50, p. 482, 1945. DOI:

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WINTERNITZ, J. G. — Carcinoma of the cervix: a discussion on the value and techniques of supplementary X-ray therapy. — Brit. J. Rad. V. 21, p. 27, 1948. DOI:




Como Citar

Fried C. Tratamento do Carcinoma do Colo do Útero: Ensaio Crítico dos Métodos Usados nos Últimos 10 Anos. Rev. Bras. Cancerol. [Internet]. 19º de setembro de 2023 [citado 3º de julho de 2024];5(8):5-29. Disponível em:

