Cervical lymph node dissection and the role of physical therapy in its rehabilitation
Head and neck surgery, Cervical lymph node dissection, Physical therapy, RehabilitationAbstract
Head and neck cancer shows a high incidence in Brazil, with high morbidity and mortality rates. It frequently involves regional lymph nodes located in the cervical region, and this is one of the most important prognostic indicators. Cervical lymph node dissection is the most common surgical procedure in such cases and can be radical or modified, in the latter case preserving some functionally important structures for the neck. Radical cervical lymph node dissection leaves major aesthetic and functional sequelae in virtually all patients submitted to this operation, causing a painful syndrome and functional impairment of the ipsilateral upper limb. This complication is thus highly relevant for the physical therapist. The current study conducted a literature review to analyze the complications of this surgical procedure and demonstrate the importance of physical therapy in such cases. Despite the relatively limited body of research in the area, the literature review highlighted the importance of physical therapy for treating sequelae of cervical lymph node dissection, aimed at reducing pain, relieving discomfort, and improving the functional capacity of the shoulder and upper limb and consequently the patient's quality of life.