Diet Phytochemical Index: Application in Patients under Oncological Treatment




neoplasms, feeding behavior, phytochemicals, diet, healthy


Introduction: Cancer treatment causes adverse effects that can change food consumption and consequently the intake of vitamins, fiber and phytochemicals. Objective: To apply the dietary Phytochemical Index (PI) in the food records of patients undergoing cancer treatment. Method: Cross-sectional study with individuals in cancer treatment. The participants’ sociodemographic and clinical information was collected to characterize the population. Feeding was obtained through a 24-hour dietary recall and entered into the Nutrabem Pro® software to obtain macro and microchemical values, as well as phytochemical data. To evaluate the study with PI, the formula proposed by McCarty was applied. Results: Ten patients, predominantly females, with an average age of 58±2.1 years participated of the study. The overall mean of PI was 20.44±11.55, and the rising order of consumption was: lutein-zeaxanthin, alpha-carotene, lycopene, cryptoxanthin and beta-carotene. The foods that contributed the most for the intake of phytochemicals were: beetroot, carrots and Japanese pumpkin for beta and alpha-carotene; orange and papaya for beta-cryptoxanthin; tomato sauce, watermelon and papaya for lycopene; chicory and beetroot for lutein/zeaxanthin; and apple, banana and olive oil for phytosterol. PI was not associated with sociodemographic and clinical variables of the population. Conclusion: Patients in cancer treatment had a low consumption of phytochemicals. This result is consistent with an insufficient intake of fruits and vegetables, as they represent the main sources of carotenoids in meals, in addition to the low consumption of oilseeds and seeds, which are an important source of phytosterols.


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How to Cite

Melo MM de M, Pugliesi ACT, Paula MR de, Maniglia FP. Diet Phytochemical Index: Application in Patients under Oncological Treatment. Rev. Bras. Cancerol. [Internet]. 2022 Oct. 11 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];68(4):e-132614. Available from:




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