National cancer control program in Cuba


  • Armando Rodríguez Salvá Instituto Nacional de Oncología y Radiologia. Registro Nacional de Câncer. Ciudad Habana, Cuba.
  • Antonio Martin Garcia Oficinas Centrales del Registro Nacional de Cáncer de Cuba.
  • Rolando Camacho Rodríguez Instituto Nacional de Oncología y Radiologia. Registro Nacional de Câncer. Ciudad Habana, Cuba.



Cancer, Control Program, Primary Health Care, Family Doctor, Prevention, Early Diagnosis, Epidemiology


Cancer is an important health problem all over the world. With the real possibilities of prevention, early diagnosis and adequate treatment of this disease, the World Health Organization recommended in 1985 to its member States the implementation of National Programs of Cancer Control, intended to organize activities against that disease. In Cuba, where cancer is the second cause of death, with increasing trends both in incidence and mortality, some measures of control were being outlined since the decade of the sixties. The Reduction Program of the Mortality by Cancer was implemented in 1987 and, later, better defined, and organized; and, taking into account the “Objectives, Purposes and Guidelines of the Ministry of Public Health ofCuba until the year 2000”, it was converted into the National Programfor Cancer Control. This Program encampasses actions in health education to the population, prevention, early diagnosis, effective treatment and care of the patient without possibilities of cure and with pain. It emphasizes the importance of the activities of the family doctor and the primary health care team for the success of this Program.


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How to Cite

Salvá AR, Garcia AM, Rodríguez RC. National cancer control program in Cuba. Rev. Bras. Cancerol. [Internet]. 2022 Sep. 26 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];44(2):119-2. Available from:




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