Palliative treatment of the hepatic hilus through Soupault- Couinaud surgery


  • Marcelo Fernandes Rangel Hospital de Câncer Napoleão Laureano. João Pessoa (PB), Brasil
  • Francisco de Sales M. Pinto Hospital de Câncer Napoleão Laureano. João Pessoa (PB), Brasil
  • Marcus Valério Maia da Silva Hospital de Câncer Napoleão Laureano. João Pessoa (PB), Brasil
  • Luanda Karla Dantas Trajano Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB). João Pessoa (PB), Brasil
  • Vinícius Souza de Lucena Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB). João Pessoa (PB), Brasil



Cancer Of The Hepatic Hilus, Palliative Cholangioenteric Anastomosis, Survival, Comfort Index


The specialized literature has demonstrated that the survival of the patients with malignant jaundice, even when submited only to palliative treatment, is usually long. The authors present the results of the Soupault-Couinaud's operation, performed as palliative treatment in 17 consecutive patients with malignant jaundice. Among other variables, it was evaluated an index of life quality denominated Comfort Index, allowing for numerical comparison of results. There was an important regression of jaundice in 88.2% of cases, and a statistically relevant reduction of seric levels of bilirubins in the postoperative (P < 0.05). Hospital mortality rate was of 11.8%, and the Comfort Index was of 81.9%. These results allow to state that the proposiet technique represents an effective method for the resolution of cholestasis due to unresectable tumours of the hepatic hilus and that the Cornfort index of 81.9% proves this method to be an adequate pailiarive treatment for malignant jaundice.


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How to Cite

Rangel MF, Pinto F de SM, Silva MVM da, Trajano LKD, Lucena VS de. Palliative treatment of the hepatic hilus through Soupault- Couinaud surgery. Rev. Bras. Cancerol. [Internet]. 2022 Sep. 27 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];43(1):45-5. Available from:

