Breast câncer: epidemiology and riskfactors


  • Emilia Rebelo Lopes Chefe da Divisão de Educação da Coordenação de Programas de Controle de Câncer do Instituto Nacional de Câncer (INCA). Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Brasil
  • Marise Souto Rebelo Chefe do Serviço de Epidemiologia da Divisão de Informação - Coordenação de Programas de Controle de Câncer do Instituto Nacional de Câncer (INCA). Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Brasil
  • Andreia Ribeiro Abib Epidemiologista do Serviço de Epidemiologia da Divisão de Informação - Coordenação de Programas de Controle de Câncer do Instituto Nacional de Câncer (INCA). Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Brasil
  • Evaldo de Abreu Coordenador da Coordenação de Programas de Controle de Câncer do Instituto Nacional de Câncer (INCA). Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Brasil



Breast Cancer, Incidence, Mortality, Relative Frequency, Risk Factors


The authors, through data collected by Hospital and Population Based Cancer Registry, focus the serius public health problem of breast cancer. They compare Brazilian and International data, and draw important conclusions, as the one that places Brazil among developed countries as to high incidence and mortality of this disease, but not in what concerns the development of measures for its prevention, early diagnosis and control. Besides commenting on statistic data, the authors review bibliography on risk factors for the disease, showing how these factors relate to regional social and economical differences, and to major changes in the life style of women in the past decades. The paper ends stressing the importance of developing measures to minimize the problem actions for education and early diagnosis are specifically pointed out as effective for this purpose.


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How to Cite

Lopes ER, Rebelo MS, Abib AR, Abreu E de. Breast câncer: epidemiology and riskfactors. Rev. Bras. Cancerol. [Internet]. 2022 Oct. 3 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];42(2):105-16. Available from:

