Reviewing the approach to cervix cancer prevention
Cervix-Uterine Cancer, Pap Smear, Nursing and Woman's Health ProgramsAbstract
The object of this studv is the meaning which determines the behavior of woman-being when having gynaecological exams done to prevent cervical-uterine cancer. Ours interest in this topic had its origins in ours work, as a nurse, at gynaecological outpatient unit, where we noticed the huge gap between institutional programs and their acceptance by women. As ours methodology, we referred to Heidegger'sphilosophy to analyse in a comprehensive way the collected testimonies. From the woman's perspective, prevention is not onlv about cervix-uterine disease as a serious and fatal possibility, but also about gynecologic problems and what may happen in the future. Therefore we as nurses must act with a humane dimension and realize that the focus on prevention has not been stressed enough among professionals and their patients.
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