Tasas de Supervivencia del cáncer en Cuba -1982


  • Margarita Graupera Boschmonar Instituto Nacional de Oncologia y Radiobiología. Ciudad de la Habana - Cuba
  • Juan J. Lence Anta Programa Nacional de Control del Câncer de Cuba. Ciudad de la Habana - Cuba
  • Carmen L. Cáceres Díaz Programa Nacional de Control del Câncer de Cuba. Ciudad de la Habana - Cuba
  • Maria Elena Abascal Ruiz Programa Nacional de Control del Câncer de Cuba. Ciudad de la Habana - Cuba
  • Margarita Chacón Roger Programa Nacional de Control del Câncer de Cuba. Ciudad de la Habana - Cuba




Cancer, Survival, Diagnosis, Therapy


The oncological specialization of a hospital is of importance for the quality of diagnosis and therapy. A survival analysis of dasta from cancer cases incidente in 1982 ato the Câncer Registry of Cuba was made and the comparation of survival rates per sex for the major sites with international figures was established. Breast and uterine cervix cancers had in Cuba lower rates with differences of 15 and 24% respectively. Survival curves were analysed and statisticaly significative differences were detected depending on the oncologic speciaiziation of the hospital. Rates from oncological hospitais for breast (62%) an utherine cervix (50%) are comparable with international data.


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How to Cite

Boschmonar MG, Anta JJL, Díaz CLC, Ruiz MEA, Roger MC. Tasas de Supervivencia del cáncer en Cuba -1982. Rev. Bras. Cancerol. [Internet]. 2023 Jun. 5 [cited 2025 Mar. 6];40(3):135-9. Available from: https://rbc.inca.gov.br/index.php/revista/article/view/2982

