Trends in lymphomas incidence and mortality in Cuba


  • Antonio Martin Garcia Registro Nacional de Cáncer. Instituto Nacional de Oncologia y Radiobiología. Ciudad de La Habana- Cuba
  • Yaima Galán Alvarez Registro Nacional de Cáncer. Instituto Nacional de Oncologia y Radiobiología. Ciudad de La Habana- Cuba
  • Jorge Luís Soriano García Registro Nacional de Cáncer. Instituto Nacional de Oncologia y Radiobiología. Ciudad de La Habana- Cuba
  • Patrícia Luaces Alvarez Registro Nacional de Cáncer. Instituto Nacional de Oncologia y Radiobiología. Ciudad de La Habana- Cuba
  • Armando Rodriguez Salvá Registro Nacional de Cáncer. Instituto Nacional de Oncologia y Radiobiología. Ciudad de La Habana- Cuba
  • Leticia Fernández Garrote Registro Nacional de Cáncer. Instituto Nacional de Oncologia y Radiobiología. Ciudad de La Habana- Cuba



Epidemiology, Lymphomas, Hodgkin’s Disease, Non-Hodgkin Lymphomas, Incidence, Mortality, Trends


Background: In Cuba, Limphomas have traditionally been included among the major câncer sites. Objectives: The behavior of incidence and mortality of the lymphomas between 1976 and 1990 is described according to the main epidemiological variables: age, sex and histology. Methods: All cases reported as lymphomas to the National Câncer Registry between 1976 and 1990 were included. Cases were grouped in the two classic diagnostic categories: Hodgkin ’s disease and non-Hodgkin Lymphomas and, according to the moment of the reporting, in three five-year periods. Age-specific rates and age standardized rates were calculated. Results: Na elevated male predominance was found in both diagnostic categories for incidence and mortality. Incidence, both in Hodgkin’s disease and non-Hodgkin Lymphomas, has hadan ascending behaviour in this period. Increasing trends in incidence and mortality are noticeable for children (0-14 years).



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How to Cite

Garcia AM, Alvarez YG, García JLS, Alvarez PL, Salvá AR, Garrote LF. Trends in lymphomas incidence and mortality in Cuba. Rev. Bras. Cancerol. [Internet]. 2022 Sep. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 19];42(3):171-5. Available from:




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