Gastos Não Médicos de Pacientes com Câncer


  • Edmundo Carvalho Mauad Serviço de Oncologia Clínica. Hospital São Judas Tadeu. Barretos (SP), Brasil.
  • Gerson Mucillo Departamento de Matemática. Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Ribeirão Preto (SP), Brasil
  • Miguel A. Gonçalves Serviço de Oncologia Clínica. Hospital São Judas Tadeu. Barretos (SP), Brasil.
  • José Elias A. Miziara Serviço de Oncologia Clínica. Hospital São Judas Tadeu. Barretos (SP), Brasil.
  • Domingos Boldrini Serviço de Oncologia Clínica. Hospital São Judas Tadeu. Barretos (SP), Brasil.
  • Paulo Prata Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Ribeirão Preto (SP), Brasil



Patients with Cancer, Non-Medical Expenses, Outpatient Treatment


The authors, considering non-medical expenses such as transport, food, accommodation, etc., in cancer patients and their journey to and from São Judas Tadeu Hospital, Barretos, SP, decided to undertake a careful research concerning these particular problems. A questionnaire was issued to 114 patients under-going ambulatory chemotherapy, from January to May,1985. Analysis showed that the relative costs with transport, food and da lost workday, were 80%, 11% and 9%, respectively. The factors that most influenced these results were different distances from home to Hospital, and differ ent forms of transport patients confronted. It is concluded also, that the low salaried patients have approximately the same expenses as those earning high salaries. Considering the sufferings of cancer patients and their families, as well as the high costs this illness entails, these problem sare worthy of more attention from the Government Authorities.


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How to Cite

Mauad EC, Mucillo G, Gonçalves MA, Miziara JEA, Boldrini D, Prata P. Gastos Não Médicos de Pacientes com Câncer. Rev. Bras. Cancerol. [Internet]. 2023 Aug. 3 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];34(1):27-30. Available from:




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