Detecção de Células Jovens no Sangue de Indivíduos Normais


  • Emmanuel Rebello Instituto Nacional de Câncer (INCA). Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Brasil



Microscopy, Fluorescence, Hematology/methods


This is a simple method, easy to apply, which is an ideal one for hematologic studies. The presence of young cells was detected by fluorescence microscopy, with the dies of the hematologic routine. Both lymphoblasts and mieloblasts have been found, indiscriminately, in clinically sound individuals, according to the adopted morphologic characteristic. The presence of eritroblasts has been evidenced in sound individuais having a normal red series. The presence of plasmocites was recorded in sound individuais, in the absence of mielome and of virus diseases. The difference between normal and extra marrowy hematopoiesis is a purely quantitative matter, and not qualitative, as it was believed previously. The method of leucocite concentration used by us, that is the "sand-clock" method, has many other appiications, such as: concentration for L. E. cells, eritrocites attacked by parasites, concentration of bone marrow, etc. By using the “sand-clock” method, with 10 ml of blood, we succeeded in demonstrating our objective, which is that of proving the presence of young cells in the circulating blood of normal individuals.


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How to Cite

Rebello E. Detecção de Células Jovens no Sangue de Indivíduos Normais. Rev. Bras. Cancerol. [Internet]. 2023 Aug. 14 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];27(3):5-23. Available from:

