Lymphatic System. A Criticai Review of Its Anatomy and Physiology


  • Onofre de Castro Patologista do Instituto Nacional de Câncer; Livre-docente de Anatomia e Fisiologia Patológicas. Escola de Medicina e Cirurgia. Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Brasil



Uterine Cervical Neoplasms/pathology, Carcinoma, Squamous Cell, Wounds and Injuries, Mass Screening


The author making use of panoramic sections of the whole cervix uteri in sagital plane, studied 71 incipient epidermoid cervical carcinomas (50 “in situ” and 21 invasive carcinomas). When he analysed them regarding the external os he found out that 35.21% were genuine endocervical lesions; in 18.20% the lesions were exclusively in ectocervical position; the remainder 46.47% were located, simultaneously, in endo and ectocervical situation. The patients with endocervical lesions were older. The mean age is 8.87 years higher than those with ectocervical carcinomas. The author then suggests that the programs of cervical cancer detection must include the endocervical sample in order to lower the false negative rates; the endocervical cell collection technique is therefore more important in older patients.


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How to Cite

Castro O de. Lymphatic System. A Criticai Review of Its Anatomy and Physiology. Rev. Bras. Cancerol. [Internet]. 2023 Aug. 18 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];24(38):27-46. Available from:

