Tumores do Aparelho Digestivo e Alcalose Extra Celular


  • José Carlos do Vale Médico. Seção de Clínica Médica. Instituto Nacional de Câncer. Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Brasil




Digestive System Neoplasms, Alkalosis, Respiratory, Acid-Base Equilibrium


The extracellular acid-base composition of 20 patients with G.I. tract cancer is studied. The most common findings were respiratory, mixed and metabolic alkalosis. The atual concept of acid-base balance is given and the method used is described. Case histories are presented illustrating extracelular alkalosis and its treatment. The author presents a detailed discussion of the physiopathology of the alkalosis. And the principal conclusion is the confirmation already stablished for anothers clinical conditions; the depletion of corporal potassium induces intracellular acidosis, which stimulates the respiratory centers producing hiperventilation and, consequently respiratory alkalosis. One must be careful not do diagnose hyperventilation, aciduria and low C02 in patients with G.I. tract cancer, as metabolic acidosis. It must be remembered that alkalosis can show the same manifestations and that it is more frequent. Mistakes can lead erroneous therapy with alkalizing agents. If the patient goes to surgery with low potassium and a acid intracellular médium, surgical stress may aggravates alkalosis. Correction of this depletion is fundamental for the successful outcome of surgery.


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How to Cite

Vale JC do. Tumores do Aparelho Digestivo e Alcalose Extra Celular. Rev. Bras. Cancerol. [Internet]. 2023 Aug. 18 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];23(35):7-38. Available from: https://rbc.inca.gov.br/index.php/revista/article/view/4073

