Introdução ao Estudo da Linfoangioadenografia em Cancerologia


  • Moacyr Alves dos Santos Silva Membro titular. Academia Nacional de Medicina, cadeira n.° 53.; Diretor. Serviço Nacional de Câncer. Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Brasil



Lymphography, Lymphoma/diagnostic imaging, Leukemia, Lymphoid, Lymphatic System/abnormalities


Seventy two lymphoangioadenographies, performed in patients with lymphomas, chronic lymphatic leukeamia, solid tumors, and tuherculosis of the mesenteric lymphnodes, are presented and discussed. The remained 6 patients were submitted to this examination for diagnostic purposes. The technic, indications, contra-indications and limitations of this method of visualizing the ilio-pelvic-aortic lymphatic System are presented in detail. The normal lymphoangioadenogram and the abnormal images found in the pathological conditions under study are discussed in detail. Lymphoangioadenography proved to be very reliable when used in the lymphoma patient. Although less accurate to define metastatic lesions it also gave assistence in the management of pelvic câncer. In this circumstance it has added to the accuracy of lyinphnodes localization and to the radicality of surgery. From this study, it appears that lymphoangioadenography is of great importance in câncer practice and a must procedure in the preliminary evaluation of the lymphoma patient.


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How to Cite

Silva MA dos S. Introdução ao Estudo da Linfoangioadenografia em Cancerologia. Rev. Bras. Cancerol. [Internet]. 2023 Aug. 21 [cited 2025 Mar. 6];22(31):5-159. Available from:

