O Laboratório de Patologia Clínica no Hospital Moderno


  • Emmanuel Rebello Chefe. Laboratório de Patologia Clínica. Instituto de Câncer do Serviço Nacional de Câncer. Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Brasil




Pathology, Clinical, Laboratories, Clinical, Clinical Laboratory Services, Health Facility Administration


The author introduces his work showing the development and high reputation of the laboratory in the scope of modern medicine. He predicts that in the near future therapeutic will de based on tables, the elemnts of which will be furnished by complementary researches. He further points out the mistakes that have been committed in constructing the building similat to foreign models which is possible only when adaptations are made. His work is divided in to the following, items: Construction, Organization, Operation, Plans, photographs and conclusions. There is a dissertation covering each item, with documentary plans, designs of laboratory for 100 beds, copy of the plan of the future Câncer Institute (National Service of Câncer) and photographs of a few sections and of modern equipment which complete the laboratory for clinical pathology. Finally the comes to the following conclusions: 1. The space predicted by especialized architects leaves much to be desired. The modern laboratory must preferably be independent from the hospital central block and dispose of an extensive manageable area for future additional constructions. 2. The construction must be large, with internal movable divisions complying with a fixed module or its multiple. 3. The installations of basic elements (light, power, -water, gas, vacuum, pressure, oxygen) must run outside along the laboratory in a parallel line, and with dowward points corresponding to each module. 4. It is further the duty of the laboratory to get the material to be analysed and register on the hospitalizes patienfs bulletin the results of the researches. 5. In the selection of the staff we must first of all take in to consideration the moral standing of the individual and then his competence scientifically. The aprenticeship shall be effected by permanence in the laboratory. High schol shall be of an elementary conditions to the caeer of a laboratory technician. 6. The laboratory will be divid in to sections or units for the benefit of the productions and of the scientific standar. 7. The results of researches may be furnished until 4 P.M. the same day the material for analysis has been obtained, for which purpose neither full time or rotation of two shifts-will be necessary. It is sufficient that the material be obtained from 7 at 9 A. M, and that a competent employed, working from 10 A.M. to 4 P.M., be appointed to the job. 8. In order to obttain the material promptly and under technical conditions, this job must be performed by technicians who will later on make the analyses of said material. 9. The head of the laboratory as well as his eventual substitute must be pathologists, and ther must further be as many pathologists are necessary to the scientific standard and movement of each section. 10. Due to the sub-division of the laboratory it is very difficult to build standard laboratories for 50, 100 ou 200 beds. it is not recommendable to have only one room where a variety of researches are made (exept in private laboraories, where very often only one person is on the job). The division in to rooms is fundamental, and it is only the space these rooms which must be larger or smaller in accordance with the number of beds. 11. In the hospitals assisted by the government (wich is the case of majority of them), the difficulty in the immediate obtentions of material for analysis is due to the intrincate mechanism of public competition. 12. The laboratory must be divided in to three parts: Obtention of Material, Secretary and Technical Section. Theses sections must be separate, but each one. depending upon the other, and direct control of a hed. It is necessary to proced like this, because if the sections are working as a whole the production tends to decrease.


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Hospitals — Agosto de 1951.

Hospitals — novembro de 1949.

Hospitals — março de 1955.

La Santé Publique n.° 17 abril 1948.

Hospitals (Integrated. Desig) 1947 Isadore Rosenfield — Reinhold Publishing Corporation 330 West Fory Second — St. New York — U.S.A.



How to Cite

Rebello E. O Laboratório de Patologia Clínica no Hospital Moderno. Rev. Bras. Cancerol. [Internet]. 2023 Sep. 14 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];12(13):51-73. Available from: https://rbc.inca.gov.br/index.php/revista/article/view/4167

