Traçado Eletroforético nos Casos de Linfoma


  • Emmanuel Rebello Chefe. Laboratório de Análises Clínicas. Instituto de Câncer do Serviço Nacional de Câncer. Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Brasil.



Lymphoma, Antigens, Neoplasm/analysis, Hodgkin Disease, Leukemia, Lymphoid, Electrophoresis/methods, Electrophoresis, Microchip/methods


The Author describes his concepts and classifies lymphomata in the folowing types: Macrofollicular lymphoma, Hodgkin’s disease, Reticulumcell sarcoma, Lymphosarcoma, Monocytic, Plasmocytic, lymphocytic, granulocytic and undifferentiated cells leukemia. He shows the principles, methods and technic of the set, he uses with important personal improvement (Saving of half the time spent in an ion migration). He uses the Swiss Kern LK 30’s micrcelectrophoretic apparatus with his great advantages over the Tiselius’ and filter paper. He studies 50 cases, with more than 60 electrophoretic diagrams, distributed in the following manner: 15 Clinically healthy patients. 15 Patients with different types of neoplastic conditions. 15 Lymphomata patients. 5 Patients with varied pathological conditions. The Author compares his normal results with the ones obtained by ARMSTRONG, DOLE, SCHAUB and ALDER, STERN and REINER and finds some finding on the different kinds foods used by brasilions in comparison to foreigners. He compares the results obtained in lymphomata and normal and also the results obtained in different types of lymphomata between themselves individuals. Microelectrophoresis is used in the National Cancer Institue of Brasil as rotine method. The Author shows his modification of the difficult and slow original techinic into 5090 more economical one (time and material) utilizing only the piston in all manoeuvers separating completely the anode. He finally studien the relationship of data obtained in Lymphomata and neoplastic diseases in comparison to normal values. His conclusions are the following: 1.° Microelectrophoresis has advantages over the original Tiselius’techinic (It has tho same precision) and also over the filter paper electrophoresis. 2.° Normal results are identical to the ones obtained in different countries. 3.° In the lymphomata group the gamma globulin is raised, and the albumin diminished with invertion of the ratio serin-globulin. 4.° Is cases of Hodgkin’s disease (53,34 %) and Reticulum-cell sarcomas (13,34 %) is identical to the changes observed in lymphomata but more attenuated. 5.° In lymphosarcoma (6,04 %) decrease of albumin and increase of Beta and Gamma globulins are formed. 6.° In lymphocytis leukemia (13,34 %) the Beta globulin is increased and the alpha globulin is diminuished (there is not dissociation into alpha globulin 1 and 2, which is a common finding in other types). The albumin is also diminished. 7.° In granulocytic leucemia (13,34%) tue Beta Globulin is increased, the alpha globulin is not dissociated and the albumin is within normal limits. 8.° The findings in neoplastic diseases are different from the ones lymphomata and normal individuals.


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How to Cite

Rebello E. Traçado Eletroforético nos Casos de Linfoma. Rev. Bras. Cancerol. [Internet]. 2023 Sep. 14 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];11(12):92-106. Available from:

