Quality of Life and Oral Manifestations in Pediatric Patients under Antineoplastic Treatment in Aracaju, SE





Oral Manifestations, Mouth/drug effects, Quality of Life, Pediatrics


Introduction: Childhood cancer is a group of diseases that have in common the uncontrolled proliferation of abnormal cells. Antineoplastic treatment causes adverse effects, especially oral changes. Objective: To evaluate the presence of oral manifestations in children undergoing antineoplastic treatment and the quality of life related to oral health. Method: Cross-sectional study with a quantitative and qualitative approach. Twenty-three users, aged 0 to 14 years old, from the Association of Volunteers at the Service of Oncology in Sergipe were evaluated. Alterations in the oral cavity were evaluated by clinical examination at a dental outpatient clinic. Oral health-related quality of life was analyzed using the Parental-Caregiver Perceptions Questionnaire (P-CPQ). Results: The most prevalent sex and neoplasm, respectively, were male (52%) and acute lymphocytic leukemia (45%), and the predominant age group was 6 to 10 years old. Quality of life scores were high. Oral examination revealed few clinical manifestations (absent in 75% of cases), while reported manifestation highlighted changes in taste (73%). Conclusion: The number of oral manifestations was small. The PCP-Q proved to decline in the quality of life of children in the midst of the experience of dealing with antineoplastic treatment.


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How to Cite

Teles Santos BC, Santos Souza T, José Lucas Feitosa, Menezes Regis D, Machado Vanderley VVM, de Abreu de Vasconcellos SJ. Quality of Life and Oral Manifestations in Pediatric Patients under Antineoplastic Treatment in Aracaju, SE. Rev. Bras. Cancerol. [Internet]. 2024 Sep. 3 [cited 2025 Jan. 15];70(3):e-244766. Available from: https://rbc.inca.gov.br/index.php/revista/article/view/4766

