Resultados do Tratamento do Linfoma de Burkitt com a Associação de Ciclofosfamida, Vincristina e Methotrexate


  • Wagner Brant Moreira Serviço de Oncologia Clínica da Santa Casa de Misericórdia e Centro de Quimioterapia Antiblástica do Hospital Belo Horizonte. Belo horizonte (MG), Brasil
  • Eduardo Carvalho Brandão Serviço de Oncologia Clínica da Santa Casa de Misericórdia e Centro de Quimioterapia Antiblástica do Hospital Belo Horizonte. Belo horizonte (MG), Brasil
  • Eduardo Nascimento Serviço de Oncologia Clínica da Santa Casa de Misericórdia e Centro de Quimioterapia Antiblástica do Hospital Belo Horizonte. Belo horizonte (MG), Brasil
  • Eugënio Baumgratz Lopes Serviço de Oncologia Clínica da Santa Casa de Misericórdia e Centro de Quimioterapia Antiblástica do Hospital Belo Horizonte. Belo horizonte (MG), Brasil
  • João Augusto Moreira Teixeira Serviço de Oncologia Clínica da Santa Casa de Misericórdia e Centro de Quimioterapia Antiblástica do Hospital Belo Horizonte. Belo horizonte (MG), Brasil
  • Maria do Carmo Lima A. Vieira Serviço de Oncologia Clínica da Santa Casa de Misericórdia e Centro de Quimioterapia Antiblástica do Hospital Belo Horizonte. Belo horizonte (MG), Brasil
  • Maria Nunes Álvares Serviço de Oncologia Clínica da Santa Casa de Misericórdia e Centro de Quimioterapia Antiblástica do Hospital Belo Horizonte. Belo horizonte (MG), Brasil
  • Rogërio Agenor Araújo Serviço de Oncologia Clínica da Santa Casa de Misericórdia e Centro de Quimioterapia Antiblástica do Hospital Belo Horizonte. Belo horizonte (MG), Brasil
  • Sebastião Cabral Filho Serviço de Oncologia Clínica da Santa Casa de Misericórdia e Centro de Quimioterapia Antiblástica do Hospital Belo Horizonte. Belo horizonte (MG), Brasil



Burkitt Lymphoma, Chemotherapy


Between march/81 to april/86 thirty-three Burkitt's Lymphoma patients were treated at our Instituition with combination Chemotherapy containing intravenous administration of Cyclophosphamide, Vincristine and Methotrexate and in trathecal injections of Methotrexate as described byZiegler in 1977. Patients median age was 7 years and the sex ratio (malo/female) was 1.75/1.0. Eleven patients had minimal disease (stages A, B and AR) and 22 advanced disease (stages C ando). Twenty patients achieved complete remission (61%) and 12 (36%) of them were continuously disease-free. Ten of 11(91%) patients with minimal disease achieved complete remission and had a 33 months survival of 69%; 10/22(45%) patients with advanced disease achieved complete remission with a 33 months survival of 27%. Between the 20 complete remission patients, 7 (35%) recurred; 2 of them at the CNS. Two patients (6%) died with acute tumor cell lysis syndrome and 4 died with direct chemotherapy intoxication; alI of them had advanced disease. This association of Chemotherapy has proved to be very useful in patients with minimal tumor burden but has achieved poor results in patients with massive disease. New associations and dosages are necessary to be studied in this subset of patients.


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How to Cite

Moreira WB, Brandão EC, Nascimento E, Lopes EB, Teixeira JAM, Vieira M do CLA, Álvares MN, Araújo RA, Cabral Filho S. Resultados do Tratamento do Linfoma de Burkitt com a Associação de Ciclofosfamida, Vincristina e Methotrexate. Rev. Bras. Cancerol. [Internet]. 2023 Aug. 4 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];33(2):133-9. Available from:




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