Epidemiological Profile of Oncology Patients Followed Up at a Reference Dental Service in the State of Ceará: a Retrospective Study
dental care for chronically ill, patient care team, oral healthAbstract
Introduction: Cancer patients need personalized dental care due to antineoplastic therapies to minimize the occurrence or severity of adverse effects caused on oral tissues. Objective: Design the epidemiological and dental profile of cancer patients followed up at a reference dentistry service in the State of Ceará. Method: Cross-sectional observational retrospective study, based on medical records of patients with special needs followed up at an outpatient clinic from 2017 to 2021. The variables were tabulated using Fisher's or Pearson's chi-square tests, with a confidence level of 95% with the software SPSS version 20.0 for Windows. Results: The majority of patients evaluated were males (55.8%), aged between 51 and 60 years (39.0%) with head and neck cancer as the most prevalent (37.7%). The main reasons for seeking dental care were oral adequacy pre-cancer treatment (36.4%), post-cancer treatment (22.05%) and pain (15.6%), with the majority in post-chemotherapy phase (42.9%) and after radiotherapy (39.0%). Restorative dentistry (64.9%), periodontics (59.7%) and surgery (48.1%) were the dental procedures most performed. Regarding oral hygiene, 49.2% brushed their teeth once a day and 54.5% did not use dental floss, 47.8% of these patients had a DMFT Index (decayed, missing, filled teeth) greater than 20. Conclusion: Approximately half of the patients sought dental care for pre-oncological treatment adjustment, however, the majority sought care post-chemotherapy and radiotherapy, which may be associated with high DMFT index.
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