“I Join a Funeral Consortium”. Perceptions and Representations about Cigarette Plain Packages
tobacco use disorder, tobacco-derived products packing, perception, tobacco-derived products labelingAbstract
Introduction: Smoking persists as a serious public health problem, despite health and legislative advances, that have led to a significant reduction in the prevalence of smokers. Despite that, cigarette packs continues to play an advertising role at points of sale, cultural festivals and on the Internet. This strategy is reflected in the increase of smoking among young people, which requires the implementation of new measures. The standardization of cigarette packs has been adopted internationally, with relevant results. Objective: To unravel perceptions and representations of plain cigarette packs among adult smokers and non-smokers in Brazil, and to identify possible effects on experimentation, consumption and smoking cessation. Method: Six focus groups were set up in three capitals. Smokers and nonsmokers manipulated prototypes of these packs, describing experiences close to real life. The participants also evaluated the colors of the prototypes. Their statements were submitted to content analysis, manually developed by the investigators, identifying perceptions and representations, and pointing out possible repercussions on smoking behavior. Results: The participants’ perceptions indicated less attractiveness and lower quality of the product, leading to disinterest in purchasing it. Health warnings were perceived as more prominent, making the risks of smoking clearly evident. The results suggest that plain packs discourage experimentation and initiation among young people, with potential stimuli for smoking cessation. Conclusion: The standardized packs seem to generate a change in the product meaning, which, by breaking the positive representation of the smoker’s personality, transmitted by cigarette brands, directs the smoker’s image to a reality close to the diseases associated with smoking.
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