Ultra-Processed Food Consumption Score among Brazilian Women Who Survived Cancer: National Health Survey, Brazil, 2019
Cancer Survivors, Food, Processed, Breast Neoplasms, Uterine Cervical Neoplasms, Ovarian NeoplasmsAbstract
Introduction: The intake of ultra-processed foods has increased in the Brazilian population in recent years and is associated with the development and aggravation of chronic diseases as cancer. Objective: To evaluate the intake of ultra-processed foods by Brazilian women survivors of breast, ovarian and cervical cancer. Method: Cross-sectional study with secondary information from the National Health Survey (2019), a health survey of the Brazilian population in general, investigating socio-demographic, clinical and dietary aspects, from where information of adult women with self-reported diagnosis of breast, ovarian and cervical cancer were collected. Ultra-processed food intake was assessed using the NOVA score, which is based on the frequency of consumption of ultra-processed food types. The association between cancer diagnosis and intake of ultra-processed foods was analyzed by Poisson regression models with robust variance through software Stata/MP 17.0. Results: The prevalence of intake of five or more types of ultra-processed foods was 7.8% among women with a history of cancer, and was higher among those with ovarian cancer and under 40 years of age. The association between intake of ultra-processed foods and cancer varied according to body mass index and cancer type, with higher prevalence among women with obesity and cervical cancer (PR=6.37; CI95%:1.46;27.68). Conclusion: Cancer patients eat a significant amount of ultra-processed foods, with higher prevalence among women with obesity and cervical cancer.
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