How family members cope with the altered body image of laryngectomized patients


  • Flávia Tatiana Pedrolo Aluna do Curso de Graduação em Enfermagem da EERP/USP, participante do GARPO - Laringectomizados e bolsista de iniciação científica da FAPESP.
  • Márcia Maria Fontão Zago Enfermeira. Professora Associada do Depto EGE da EERP/USP, Coordenadora do GARPO - Laringectomizados e orientadora do estudo.



Laryngectomy, Body Image, Psychology, Patients, Family, Social Adjustment, Self Concept


This is a descriptive and exploratory study which aims at identifying the process of coping with the changes in the body of laryngectomized patients by family members who participate in GARPO in the City of Ribeirão Preto-SP, Brazil. Approximately 16 relatives of nine patients participated in the study. Data were collected by means of structured interviews from March to October, 2000 and analyzed according to the qualitative methodological approach, aiming at finding the meaning attributed to this experience. The relatives’ coping process was guided by a “search for stability” attitude. It was identified that family members use strategies which focus on emotions and problems in order to deal with the patient’s changed body. These strategies are dynamic and aim at protecting the laryngectomized person and themselves as well as searching for stability in family life. However, they can lead family members to neglect the patient’s real health conditions. According to the addressed theme, family members show their suffering and need for support and advise from nurses and other health care professionals who take part in the patient’s rehabilitation.


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How to Cite

Pedrolo FT, Zago MMF. How family members cope with the altered body image of laryngectomized patients. Rev. Bras. Cancerol. [Internet]. 2002 Mar. 29 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];48(1):49-56. Available from:




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