About the Journal

The Revista Brasileira de Cancerologia (RBC) is a milestone in scientific editing of cancer control in the country. The Decree that created the National Cancer Service in 1941 also addressed the creation of a scientific oncology journal to disclose specific knowledge about the Service. In September 1947, the first number of RBC was published to divulge to the scientific community oncology articles and clinical case-reports.

The Journal continues to encourage the plurality of themes, ideas and methodological approaches. In the last decades, it was attempted to incorporate the development of early detection initiatives, treatment advances and expansion of palliative care services as strategies for risk factors prevention (behavioral, environmental and occupational) and basic, clinic, translational and populational researches.

In line with the advances of the initiative known as Open Science, the RBC implemented practices to align with this initiative and is accepting the submission of articles published in preprints and encouraging authors to share the primary data, codes and other subjacent materials to the article published in known repositories.  

Since 2021, the editors responsible for the evaluation of the manuscript published started to be identified. Currently, the reviewers and authors may choose to keep the double-anonymous modality or disclose their identity. The process to disclose the reviews of the articles approved with or without the identification of the reviewers is ongoing. 

Online since 1997, RBC is available at INCA site, Capes portal and Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde Prevenção e Controle de Câncer, the hard-copy edition was discontinued in 2019. The entire printed (or physical) collection was digitized and made available on the website. From number 64.2 in 2018 until now, the journal started to be published in two languages, Portuguese and English. As of 2023, it is also published in Spanish.

ISSN on-line: 2176-9745
DOI: 10.32635


Qualis 2017-2020: B3

Current Issue

Vol. 70 No. 4 (2024): oct./nov./dec.
					View Vol. 70 No. 4 (2024): oct./nov./dec.
Published: 2024-09-30




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